Services offered by REDEJA


Currently, REDEJA works in four lines of action dedicated to:

  • The optimisation of energy supply contracts and the unified management of the energy service, allowing for economies of larger scale and a greater efficiency in the coordination of the management of the supplies.
  • The realisation of sectorial studies and energy audits in public buildings in order to identify energy saving and efficiency measures and the possibility of implementing the use of renewable energy technologies.
  • Advice to the entities adhered both in the contracting of energy supplies and the investments to be undertaken as a result of the audits, as well as in new construction projects to obtain the highest energy rating possible.
  • Training line, aimed at the centres of the network, in themes related to energy saving, the search for a greater rationality in the contracts and in the applicability and use of renewable energy technologies.

In addition, a Guide has been elaborated with practical advice on how to promote energy saving and efficiency within the public administration.